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Home   >  Master's & postgraduate courses  >  Education  >  Continuing education master's degree in Executive Supply Chain Management. Operations and Logistics
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    Port de Barcelona offers grants for this master's degree


25th Edition
60 ECTS (385 teaching hours)
Language of instruction
Special conditions on payment of enrolment fee and 0,7% campaign
Registration open until the beginning of the course or until end of vacancies.
Start date
Start date: 17/10/2025
End date: 16/10/2026
Friday: 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Taught at
Tech Talent Center
C/ de Badajoz, 73-77
Why this continuing education master's degree?
Integral logistics has come to encompass the traditional functions of the company (manufacturing, distribution, operations, procurement, planning) in a single management unit which has also adopted the new trends like lean thinking and risk management. Its scope of action has expanded to encompass the entire value chain between client and supplier. This integrated management of the value chain between suppliers and clients is what is called today supply chain management, and it goes beyond the traditional concept of logistics since in addition to the flow of materials, it also refers to the integration of businesses which provide consumers with value.

This Master’s seeks to be a referent for all professionals who want to boost their careers in the areas of logistics, operations management, distribution and, in general, any aspect related to the design and management of the supply chain. The faculty, most of whom are professionals in the field, is primarily made up of senior executives of companies in the logistics and manufacturing sector, in addition to contributions from the most important European universities in the field of logistics (such as Cranfield University) and specialised training centres (like the European School of Short Sea Shipping). Coupled with the diverse profiles of the participants, usually professionals with experience or training in the supply chain, this makes networking a prominent feature in this Master’s.

From the very start, the programme, which has a clearly international vision, has been constantly updated following the evolution in changes and trends in the logistics sector and operations management. Every year, the course contents are revised based on suggestions from the Master's programme’s Advisory Council, made up of executives from the leading companies in the sector, in order to adapt them to the real needs of companies and the market.

Designed as a Golden or Premium product in higher education in supply chain management, it includes a broad mix of training resources: lectures delivered by senior executives with extensive professional experience, practical cases, visits to companies, final Master’s project developed within a real company and supervised by one of its managers, a course onboard a ship, etc.
Promoted by:
  • To question the current systems of organising and managing the logistics chain.
  • To analyse, guide and strategically define the global logistics chain in different sectors by implementing and adapting new technologies to foster the company’s logistics services.
  • To design and implement new systems and methodologies to improve the management of relations between suppliers, companies, operators and end clients.
  • To effectively manage the human teams that have to work together in the culture shift posed by implementing an integrated Supply Chain Management strategy.
Who is it for?
  • Professionals with managerial positions or managerial potential.
  • Heads of department and technicians in the areas of logistics (purchasing, procurement, manufacturing, transport, storage, distribution) of industrial and service companies.
  • Professionals from logistics operators and transport companies.
  • Professionals with university degrees in other sectors who want to develop or shift their professional careers to the world of Supply Chain Management and logistics.

Training Content

List of subjects
2 ECTS 30h
Introduction to the Logistics Chain. World Class Logistics. Lean Operations Strategy
  • Lean Operations Strategy
    • Overview of Supply Chain Management (SCM).
    • Opportunities and threats of SCM.
    • Strategic design of the Supply Chain.
    • Trends.
    • The company’s competitive keys.
    • Anthropology of operations management (of the project in lean management).
    • Business logistics.
    • Business and operational strategy.
    • Different approaches to operations and logistics.
    • Operational strategy.
    • SCM approach.
    • Integration of SCM strategies.
    • Operational strategy in SCM.
    • Focus of operations.
    • Operational processes.
    • Hard and soft decision-making in operations.
    • Hard decisions: geographic location, type of process, degree and vertical integration, purchasing, etc.
    • Soft decisions: quality, planning, human resources, innovation, concurrent engineering, industrialisation, maintenance, etc.
    • Type of process.
    • Process-product matrix.
    • Focus of plants on product or process.
    • Focus of plants in Europe.
  • Supply Chain strategy. Supply Chain Management
    • Historical development of approaches to operations.
    • Economies of scale in the early 20th century.
    • Development to the current ERP.
    • Project management.
    • Managing stocks.
    • Planning, programming and control.
    • Philosophies and techniques used in Japan (JIT).
    • Lean Management.
    • Planning by limitations.
2 ECTS 35h
Overview of the Company
  • Beyond the Company: The Art of Managing
    • Managing oneself and one’s environment.
    • Managing contradictions and frustrations and overcoming them.
    • The executive and communication.
    • Organisation by departments.
    • Managing meetings.
    • Communication with clients.
    • Managing and directing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) versus a multinational.
  • Lean Financial Management
    • Business strategy.
    • The company in numbers.
    • Financial advice to avoid sinking the company.
    • Economic performance.
    • Profitability and financial leveraging.
    • Managing the cash flow.
    • Operating cash requirements.
    • Managing clients and suppliers.
    • Managing stock and invoicing.
    • Financing instruments.
    • Cash Management.
    • The Balanced Score Card and the logistical and operational function.
    • Analysis of investments in logistics and operational decisions.
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management.
    • 360º sustainability.
    • Respect for the environment.
    • Integrity with employees and labourers.
    • The commitment to the social environment.
    • The professional ethics of executives.
    • Shareholders¿ responsibility.
    • Collaborative economy.
  • Profitability and efficiency of logistics chains: Kpis
    • Profitability, liquidity and use of assets.
    • Value for the shareholder.
    • Financial and non-financial profitability in the supply chain.
    • Balanced scorecard.
    • KPIs.
    • ABC costs.
    • Control of the chain through indicators.
    • Identification of the value chain. Value analysis.
5 ECTS 30h
The Logistics Chain in the Distribution Division. Lean Distribution
  • Market. Client Relations
    • The market.
    • Marketing.
    • E-Commerce.
    • Creating value for the client.
    • Defining the level of service.
    • Distribution channels.
    • Channel strategies and logistics implications.
    • Distribution networks.
  • Lean Selling. Lean Distribution: Buying or Selling
    • Defining the level of service.
    • The client satisfaction cycle.
    • CRM.
    • Managing the order cycle.
    • Organisation and management of the client service department.
    • Lean transport.
    • Physical distribution.
    • Logistics operators and subcontracting.
    • Managing a logistics operator.
    • 3PL and 4PL.
  • Distribution Strategy and Logistics Operations
    • Subcontracting logistics operations.
    • Distribution.
    • Outsourcing.
    • The development of Third Party Logistics (3PL).
    • Selecting 3PL.
    • Tenders, evaluation and final selection.
    • Managing outsourcing contracts.
    • Future developments.
    • Beyond 3PL: alliances, 3PL and 4PL.
  • Lean Transport
    • Transport of goods by land.
    • Transport by motorway.
    • Global management of transport operations.
    • Main regulations and restrictions to bear in mind.
    • Managing a transport company.
    • The income statement of a long-distance lorry.
    • Transport costs. Indicators.
    • Market structure of transport companies in Spain compared to other European countries and the USA.
    • Transport supply on the market.
    • Integrating transport services with storage and distribution.
    • The role of the logistics operator.
    • Transport by railway. Current status in Spain.
    • Profitable routes in Spain.
    • Shortage of railway infrastructures to connect with and export to Europe.
    • Air transport. Level of expansion and main users of air transport.
    • Intermodal transport.
8 ECTS 55h
Lean Supply Chain Management. Lean Management in Supply Chain Design and Management
  • Strategic Supply Chain Design
    • Formulation, design and implementation of the SCM strategy in a company.
    • Coherence of the decisions in the SCM.
    • Design and management of the supply chain.
    • Environmental factors.
    • Competitiveness factors.
    • Innovation: Challenges and shortcomings.
    • Logistics integration matrixes.
    • Order penetration point, inventory point, customisation point, point of maximum commonality, sales forecast point.
    • Types of planning.
    • Decoupling point, bottleneck point, core business point.
  • Lean Supply Chain Management
    • Lean Business Management, Lean Supply Chain Management, Lean Manufacturing.
    • Toyota manufacturing systems.
    • The new ways of managing maintenance and quality.
    • Lean Management ¿ new forms of work.
    • Planning systems in SCM.
    • Lean Planning.
    • Just In Time planning - Kanban.
    • Designing the VSM (Value Stream Map) of the entire supply chain.
  • Development of Operations Planning and Control Systems from the Command Point of Lean Systems
    • Managing the demand under a Lean perspective.
    • Managing stocks by command point.
    • The Master Planning Schedule (MPS) managed under a Lean perspective.
    • Lean design of the product and process structures (BOM).
    • Planning and programming operations: planning materials, MRP-I; resources, MRP-II; and distribution, DRP.
    • Computer planning systems (ERP packages).
    • BDR - Buffer Drum Rope, derived from the TOC (Theory of Constraints).
  • Lean Planning
    • The planning and programming function in Lean systems.
    • Lean management system.
    • Use of the Value Stream Map (VSM) tool to establish the planning criteria.
    • Managing the demand under a Lean perspective.
    • Strategic design of planning throughout the supply chain (decoupling point, order penetration point, inventory points, customisation point, pacemaker point, etc.).
    • Bottleneck planning (TOC).
    • Lean planning and programming techniques.
    • Pull systems for supermarkets, by sequence and by mixed pull.
    • Establishing the work sequence.
    • Grouping processes into Loops.
    • Size and role of stocks: Buffer points, supermarket points, etc.
    • Levelling and determination of the sequence (Heijunka).
    • Pacemaker: location and design of the point from which the upstream and downstream speeds are programmed and governed.
    • Design of cards (physical or computer), containers and Kanban spaces.
    • Reasons for success and failure of Just In Time (JIT) planning systems.
  • Lean Materials Handling. Internal Logistics
    • Calculating needs. Planning and programming production and supplies.
    • Kinds of warehouses in a JIT system.
    • Consolidation, sequencing and transit o cross docking warehouses.
    • Supplier parks (with added value of assembly).
    • DOUKI SEISAN supplies.
    • Internal supply system by established frequency: CHAIN OF CONTAINERS AND LIGHT LORRIES, SINCRO, STOM, MINOMI, KITTING.
    • Classification of materials and supplies: Sorter.
    • Design of the STRIKE ZONE.
    • Logistics chain: MISUZUMASHI.
    • Internal supply indicators in materials handling.
  • Lean Transformation Model
All businesses have a different starting point and a different set of priorities based on their positioning in the market. It is key to understand what a global lean transformation involves in the world of the company's operations, know where to start, what key issues need to be considered, what possible sequence of improvement actions could be carried out and how should the change process be managed. It involves both the organization of the operations in the company, as well as the business culture existing in the company.

The objective is to help you basically to build your own methodology to guide the transformation towards a "lean" management of your company. Lean management is implemented both in companies of industrial nature and services (commercial distribution, health / hospitals, tourism, catering, etc.).
8 ECTS 55h
The Supply Chain in Manufacturing. Process Engineering and Product Engineering. Lean Manufacturing
  • Product engineering. Process re-engineering and concurrent engineering. Managing Business Innovation
    • Innovation strategies.
    • Open innovation.
    • Innovative organisation and culture.
    • Multifunctional teams.
    • Innovation in the company.
    • Managing the product design process.
    • Concurrent engineering.
    • Process re-engineering applied to the development of new products.
    • Practical cases in industrial and service companies.
  • Launch and industrialisation of new products
    • New product design.
    • Planning and development process of new products.
    • Lean Design.
    • Industrialisation of new products. Process engineering (manufacturing and assembly).
    • Adaptation of processes to the requirements and demands of the market and clients.
    • Design of manufacturing processes and plants.
    • Product industrialisation processes.
    • Phases in industrialisation prior to mass production (SOP).
    • Supplies and industrialisation.
    • Advanced Product Quality Planning.
    • Engineering, Manufacturing, Quality, Control and Supply Chain activities.
  • Total Quality. Continuous Improvement. Quality Planning. QFD and EFQM Models. Six Sigma
    • TQM (Total Quality Management).
    • Total Quality. Continuous Improvement. Quality Planning.
    • QFD Model.
    • Six Sigma as a business management system.
    • Organisation and implementation Six Sigma process.
    • EFQM Model.
    • DMAIC project methodology.
    • Practical cases in industrial and service companies.
    • Lean Six Sigma approach.
    • Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management.
  • Lean Manufacturing
    • Basic principles of Lean Management.
    • Improvement groups and problem-solving.
    • Creating continuous flow in processes.
    • Eliminating waste.
    • Genchi-GENBUTSU.
    • KAIZEN, Soifuku, ISHIKAWA.
    • PDCA, A3, 5 Why's, SCRA's.
    • MUDA, MURA, Muri.
    • Standardising processes, jobs and lay-out.
    • Systematisation.
    • Organisation 5 S's.
    • Heijunka.
    • Total Quality.
    • Comprehensive Asset Management.
    • Reliability of machinery.
    • Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).
    • Reactive, predictive, preventative, ongoing, autonomous and total maintenance.
    • Lean design at the origin of processes, lay-outs and machinery.
    • Diagnostic tools: Value Stream Map (VSM) of manufacturing.
    • Materials Handling: supply of materials to manufacturing processes.
    • Implementation of supermarkets.
    • Supply by light lorries.
    • Milk run.
    • Kitting.
    • Lean culture change in manufacturing.
    • Motivation, improvements, versatility, rotation, objectives, management styles, training, ethics and sustainability.
    • Lean transformation projects in factories.
    • Continuous improvement.
  • Engineering design of plants in a Lean environment. Design and Organisation of industrial processes and plants
    • Lean underpinnings.
    • Design of manufacturing processes and plants.
    • VA and NVA activities.
    • Design of processes and plants following different philosophies: traditional, TOC and Lean.
    • Design and implementation of Lean processes: tools.
    • Design of flexible cells: types and connection between them.
    • Multi-product lines.
    • Design with mixed models. Grouping by families.
    • Sequence of operations and levelling.
    • On-command manufacturing systems.
    • Mass production and high variability with low volume.
    • Design and organisation of special processes: complex and voluminous products.
    • Management levels.
    • Planning strategies.
    • Internal logistics: material and information flow.
    • HR management in a Lean plant.
    • Implementation of continuous improvement.
    • Kaizen.
    • Lean implementation phases in a traditional company.
    • Cornerstones of Lean.
    • Methods and times in Lean.
    • Visual plant management.
    • Lean quality.
  • Maintenance Management. TPM. Total Productive Maintenance
    • Basic and preventative maintenance. Autonomous maintenance.
    • Management of optimised preventative and corrective maintenance.
    • Continuous and complete conservation of equipment and consequent increase in its lifespan.
    • Improvement in performance.
    • Proper training of manufacturing and maintenance staff.
    • Organizational change.
    • Development of operational indicators: OEE, MTBF, MTTR, operational availability.
    • Maintenance management based on improving the reliability of the equipment (Reliability Centred Maintenance).
5 ECTS 50h
The Supply Chain in Procurement and Supplies. Lean Buying, Lean Supplying, Outsourcing
  • Lean Management in procurement processes
    • Lean Buying.
    • Procurement strategies and supply management.
    • Manufacture or subcontract?
    • Strategic procurement design. Outsourcing.
    • Outsourcing to SCM.
    • Lean Supplying.
  • Procurement and Supply Strategy. Outsourcing-Insourcing
    • Procurement strategy.
    • Strategic supplying. Selection and development of suppliers.
    • Procurement models and processes.
    • Segmentation models.
    • Role of e-Procurement.
    • Managing purchase orders.
    • Supply processes. Managing supply orders.
    • Generating value from strategic supplying.
    • Logistics operators in supply.
    • Advanced collaboration programmes.
    • Roster of suppliers.
    • Outsourcing and subcontracting processes.
    • Globalisation and delocalisation.
  • Advanced Warehouse Design
    • Warehouse design and management in modern SCM.
    • Advanced warehouse design.
    • Decision and investment criteria.
    • Upkeep and storage factors.
    • Criteria in the size of shelving.
    • Picking and sorting.
    • Control of material flow.
    • Dispatching and expediting.
    • Radiofrequency in warehouse design.
    • Warehouse management systems SGA WMS.
    • Lean Warehousing.
    • Coordination between transport and warehouses.
4 ECTS 35h
Analysis of Operations and of the Supply Chain by Sectors
The different levels of development of operations and the supply chain will be analysed by the different industrial sectors in which logistics plays a prominent role in their organisation, management and cost structure.

The retail, automobile, manufacturing of mass consumer products, food, mass electronic products, iron and steel, pharmaceutical and services (healthcare, tourism, etc.) sectors will be examined, among others.

The approach will be practical based on real case studies and technical visits to major companies which will allow the participants to experience first-hand the real logistics and operations situation in cutting-edge organisations in each of their fields.
4 ECTS 25h
International Logistics
  • Transport Management. International Transport and Logistics
    • Sales within and outside the EU.
    • Legal and fiscal operations.
    • International logistics.
    • Globalisation and delocalisation.
    • International transport law.
    • Use of Incoterms 2010.
    • Air and land transport regulations and cargo agreements.
    • Insurance in foreign trade.
    • Modes of transport: land transport of goods, motorway transport, air transport, maritime transport and port logistics and multimodal transport.
    • Logistics activity zones, ZAL.
    • The hinterland of a port.
    • The experience of the Port of Barcelona.
    • Global management of transport operations.
    • Managing a transport company.
  • Globalisation. The Case of the Chinese and Southeast Asian Market
    • Globalisation: corporate implementations and operations abroad.
    • Chinese and southeast Asian market.
    • Effects of globalisation and delocalisation.
    • Their effect on the Spanish economy and expansion via emerging companies.
    • Direct investment and setting up corporations.
    • How to successfully tackle a project in China.
    • Analysis of the Chinese market.
    • Business management in China.
    • Managing international procurement.
    • Emerging markets in southeast Asia.
  • Maritime Logistics. Course ¿ Short Sea Shipping
Students in the Master¿s will participate in a course on maritime logistics to learn firsthand about the particularities of maritime logistics and the potential growth and efficiency of the motorways of the sea in connection with intermodal transport.
    • Intermodal logistics.
    • Short sea shipping.
    • Motorways of the sea: characteristics of short sea shipping.
    • Promoting sustainable logistics through an efficient use of the modes of transport.
    • Operators and functions in ports.
4 ECTS 30h
Lean Digital Management at the SCM
  • e-LOGISTICS. B2C and B2B
    • E-Business, E-Commerce, E-Logistics.
    • B2C: e-fulfilment, the last mile.
    • B2B: e-procurement. Market Places.
    • Role of the new technologies in source and procurement processes.
    • Payment systems.
    • Future of e-Business.
    • The reality today and the future of e-Commerce.
    • SC operating models for global companies.
  • Advancing in the company 4.0: Artificial intelligence and Blockchain in SCM. Leading the next evolution of Industria 5.0
    • Internet of Things (IoT) and sensors.
    • Big Data (BD). Cloud Computing
    • Predictive Analysis
    • Robotics
    • 3d print.
    • Artificial intelligence.
    • RFID
    • Traceability
    • Cyberphysical Systems.
    • Cybersecurity
    • BlockChain
    • Gamification
  • Emerging technologies, a gateway to Industry 4.0 and SCM 4.0 with its different applications
    • AGV.
    • Industrial and Collaborative Robotics.
    • Telecommunications and Mobile Communications.
    • Artificial vision.
    • Digital Twin.
    • Machine Learning
    • Semantic Engineering and Digital Transformation.
    • Virtual reality.
4 ECTS 25h
People, Creativity and Innovation in SCM
  • People: self_development. Personal growth
    • Positive Psychology
    • Achieve a comprehensive understanding, coherent and contextual strengths in relation to self-development (self-development).
    • Participate in activities, dynamics and practices that allow them to travel the peaks and valleys of their emotions, actions, habits, dispositions that give support or penalize their self development.
  • Strengths - Based Team Building
    • Training / construction of teams based on strengths.
  • Lean Cultural Change
    • Culture as a business integrator and people
    • Intrapreneurship and innovation (creative thinking, people in the processes, internal creativity).
    • Sum of talent from diversity.
    • The Lean transformation in organizations implies a cultural change due to the implementation of a different way of approaching the processes, since the working methodology is changed and this is the great challenge.
  • Digital transformation of organizations. Cultural transformation for digitalization
  • How to transform an idea into an opportunity? The value chain as a previous step to the SCM
  • Innovation and creativity
14 ECTS 15h
Real Company Project
The project will be carried out by teams and will be supervised and guided by a Project Director, a prestigious professional who works in the company or topic of the project.

The Master¿s Final Project will be based on different possibilities of real situations related to the supply chain:

  • Project of a company for which participants will plan an implementation, reorganisation, management and/or improvement in the areas of procurement, supplies, manufacturing, internal logistics, planning, distribution, outsourcing, etc.
  • Project of a company providing logistics operation services or product outsourcing services, etc.
  • Project revolving around a particular area (pharmaceutical logistics, cold logistics, inverse logistics, sustainable logistics, etc.) or certain regional topics such as relations with emerging markets, etc.
The UPC School reserves the right to modify the contents of the programme, which may vary in order to better accommodate the course objectives.
Continuing education master's degree in Executive Supply Chain Management. Operations and Logistics, issued by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Issued by virtue of the provisions of art. 7.1 of Organic Law 2/2023 of 22 March, concerning the University System, and art. 36 of Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September, which establishes the organisation of university education and the procedure for ensuring its quality. A prior official university qualification is necessary to obtain it. Otherwise, the student will receive a certificate of completion of the programme issued by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. Lifelong learning studies at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya are approved by the University's Governing Council on an annual basis. (See details appearing on the certificate).

Learning methodology

The teaching methodology of the programme facilitates the student's learning and the achievement of the necessary competences.

The students of the Master's Degree participate in a course on maritime logistics at the European Short Sea Shipping School to learn first hand the particularities of maritime logistics and the potential for growth and efficiency of motorways of the sea with intermodal transport .

Learning tools
Participatory lectures
A presentation of the conceptual foundations of the content to be taught, promoting interaction with the students to guide them in their learning of the different contents and the development of the established competences.
Practical classroom sessions
Knowledge is applied to a real or hypothetical environment, where specific aspects are identified and worked on to facilitate understanding, with the support from teaching staff.
Solving exercises
Solutions are worked on by practising routines, applying formulas and algorithms, and procedures are followed for transforming the available information and interpreting the results.
Case studies
Real or hypothetical situations are presented in which the students, in a completely participatory and practical way, examine the situation, consider the various hypotheses and share their own conclusions.
Success stories
Outstanding business knowledge and experiences with high added value acquired during an outstanding professional career are presented and shared.
Problem-based learning (PBL)
An active learning methodology that enables the student to be involved from the beginning, and to acquire knowledge and skills by considering and resolving complex problems and situations.
Flipped classroom
The contents are prepared prior to the face-to-face lessons. Practical sessions take place in the classroom, which enable understanding and application of concepts to real cases and the expansion of knowledge with more technical and specialised details.
Students are given technical support in the preparation of the final project, according to their specialisation and the subject matter of the project.
Students are supported when undertaking group work, including theoretical sessions which provide the tools and knowledge needed to achieve a result. Ideas and results are exchanged between all the participating groups.
Assessment criteria
At least 80% attendance of teaching hours is required.
Level of participation
The student's active contribution to the various activities offered by the teaching team is assessed.
Solving exercises, questionnaires or exams
Individual tests aimed at assessing the degree of learning and the acquisition of competences.
Work out projects
Studies on a specific topic, by individuals or groups, in which the quality and depth of the work is assessed, among other factors.
Completion and presentation of the final project
Individual or group projects in which the contents taught in the programme are applied. The project can be based on real cases and include the identification of a problem, the design of the solution, its implementation or a business plan. The project will be presented and defended in public.
Work placements & employment service
Students can access job offers in their field of specialisation on the My_Tech_Space virtual campus. Applications made from this site will be treated confidentially. Hundreds of offers of the UPC School of Professional & Executive Development employment service appear annually. The offers range from formal contracts to work placement agreements.
Virtual campus
The students on this continuing education master's degree will have access to the My_ Tech_Space virtual campus - an effective platform for work and communication between the course's students, lecturers, directors and coordinators. My_Tech_Space provides the documentation for each training session before it starts, and enables students to work as a team, consult lecturers, check notes, etc.

Teaching team

Academic management
  • Cuatrecasas Castellsagués, Oriol
    View profile in futur.upc / View profile in Linkedin
    BEng in Industrial Engineering. Specialist Consultant in Lean Manufacturing. Member of the Lean Management Institute of Spain.
  • Rúa Costa, Carles
    View profile in Linkedin
    Industrial Engineer. Head of strategic projects and innovation at the Port of Barcelona. Director of the Executive Master in Supply Chain Management. Operations and Logistics of the UPC School. Professor at the European School of Intermodal Transport. More than 25 years of experience as associate professor of the Department of Business Organization of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
Teaching staff
  • Aartsen, Marcel Theo
    View profile in Linkedin
    Senior trainer, consultant and coach at Lean Management Institute (Netherlands) Master trainer at Nyenrode Business University (NL) Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Agile expert Former lean manager at ABN AMRO Bank, Triodos Bank and ING Bank BA in Mathematics.
  • Consolación Segura, Carolina
    View profile in futur.upc
    PhD and Tenured Lecturer of the Business Organisation Department of the UPC. Degree in Economics and Business from the UB.
  • Hidalgo Jara, Pedro
    View profile in Linkedin
    PhD in Industrial Engineer and Master in Supply Chain with more than +10 years on Logistics Advanced Operations used to work on dynamic environment driven to manage operational efficiency at right supply chain cost. Solid experience managing all levels of multiple projects including budgeting and administration, driving for results; with proved effectiveness, resources and budget management. Large experience on Supplier Contract Management (Sourcing) and Lean Management (Continuous Improvements and Innovative Savings Plans). Currently I'm part of the Corporate Centre of Expertise as Global Logistics Sourcing and Developing Manager in AkzoNobel, leading paint and coatings industry.
  • Marfil Sánchez, Fernando
    View profile in Linkedin
    Industrial Engineer at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). MBA in Business Organization and Management at the UPC. Postgraduate Course in Production Management at the UPC. Executive Director at ICORSA, S.A. More than 20 years of experience in the Automotive Sector in multinational / family companies (Valeo, CIE Automorive, MMM and Wafa) as Plant Manager, Industrial Director. Projects start-up of plants (Morocco and Romania), of Interim Manager and implementation of management systems (ERP, ISO / TS, Lean Manufacturing). Lean Manufacturing Expert for the Spanish Plastics Center (CEP). Associate Professor Department of Business Organization UPC
  • Peters, Melvyn
    View profile in Linkedin
    Director of Education at Cranfield School of Management and has overall responsibility for Cranfield's MBA and MSc degrees. Melvyn is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, a Member of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (US) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Melvyn's research focuses on logistics outsourcing, international sourcing and freight transportation. Teaching and research have taken Melvyn across Europe and wider into Russia, The UAE, Oman and China.

Associates entities

Strategic partners
  • Autoritat Portuària de Barcelona
    • Provides financial aid to the programme or grants for the registration of students.
  • Coritel Accenture Outsourcing Services
    • Provides teachers and lecturers.
  • Instituto Lean Management
    • Provides teachers and lecturers.
Collaborating partners

Career opportunities

  • Operations Manager.
  • Logistics Manager.
  • Purchase / sales Manager.
  • Chief Supply Chain Officer (CSCO).
  • Chief Operations Officer (COO).
  • Chief for imports / exports.
  • Chief of transport.
  • Chief of distribution.
  • Distribution Manager.

Testimonials & news



Request information or admission

Information and guidance:
Isabel de la Fuente Larriba
(34) 93 115 57 51
Request received!
After we have registered your request, you will receive confirmation by email and we will be in touch.

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You can make the payment again without re-entering the data.


Course: Executive Supply Chain Management. Operations and Logistics

Fee: €9,400

Submit and make the payment
  • If you have any doubts about the continuing education master's degree.
  • If you want to start the registration procedure.
How to start admission
To start the enrolment process for this programme you must complete and send the form that you will find at the bottom of these lines.

Next you will receive a welcome email detailing the three steps necessary to formalize the enrolment procedure:

1. Complete and confirm your personal details.

2. Validate your curriculum vitae and attach any additional required documentation, whenever this is necessary for admission.

3. Pay €110 in concept of the registration fee for the programme. This fee will be discounted from the total enrolment fee and will only be returned when a student isn't admitted on a programme.

Once the fee has been paid and we have all your documentation, we will assess your candidacy and, if you are admitted on the course, we will send you a letter of acceptance. This document will provide you with all the necessary information to formalize the enrolment process for the programme.

  date protection policy

* Mandatory fields

Basic information or first layer on data protection


Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya (FPC). + INFORMATION

Purpose of processing

Respond to requests for information from the data subjects on training activities managed or carried out by the FPC. + INFORMATION

Establishment or maintenance of the academic relationship with the data subject. + INFORMATION

Send information on the activities of the FPC. + INFORMATION


Data subject's consent. + INFORMATION

Legitimate interest in the development of the academic relationship. + INFORMATION


No assignments or communications.


Access, rectification, erasure, restriction, object and data portability. + INFORMATION

Data protection officer contact details

Additional information

Privacy policy of our website. + INFORMATION

Storage limitation

Privacy policy of our website. + INFORMATION

Payment services

In the event that the data subject enters into a formal relationship with the FPC, the data subject authorises and consents to the charge, thereby expressly waiving the right to a refund of the charge.


The Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya reserves the right to modify content, price, location, timetable and dates prior to the start of the course. Registration on the course will not be confirmed until payment has been made.

Registration rights. The interested party must make payment of the specified registration fee for the course. This fee will be deducted from the full course fee and will only be reimbursed if the applicant is not admitted.

Cancellation or deferment.The Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya reserves the right to cancel or defer a course if the minimum number of students is not met. In case of cancellation or non-admittance, the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya will return all amounts paid in full, without any additional compensation. In case of deferment, applicants may request reimbursement of fees paid.

Cancellation of registration.
In the event of withdrawal or cancellation of the registration, the student must notify the UPC School in writing beforehand.
  • If this request for cancellation is made 45 days before the start of the programme, the UPC School will retain only 30% of the total registration fee and refund the difference paid.
  • In the event that the application request is made within 45 calendar days and the beginning of the programme, the UPC School will retain 60% of the registration fee.
  • No applications for refunds may be made after the programme has started.
Under exceptional circumstances, refunds of the registration fee will be made if the student's cancellation is due to one of the following circumstances:
  • Denial of a visa, subject to submission of supporting documentation. In this case, the UPC School will refund the registration fee less 300 Euros for administrative expenses.
  • Serious illness or accident accredited by an official medical certificate, stating the start date of the illness and the anticipated convalescence period. In this situation the UPC School's decision will be as follows:
    • If the notification takes place up to one month after the start of the programme, it will refund the amount actually paid, less 300 Euros as administrative expenses.
    • No refunds will be made after a month after the start of the programme. It will be only be possible to use the amount paid as a deposit for the registration fee of the next programme. This procedure entails no administrative fee for the student. The price difference between the new registration fee and the amount previously paid will be payable by the student under all circumstances.

Changes in registration. Any changes in registration, previously authorised by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya, will incur a 300 € administration fee.

  • Discounts are non-accumulable. The greater discount of those requested will be applied.
  • Discounts can only be applied under prior application and approval.
  • Once registration has been confirmed, no discount will be applied.
  • Students are responsible for placing applications for any discounts.

Qualification. In order to obtain the Qualification/Diploma issued by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the student must be in possession of a recognised university qualification or internal university qualification equivalent to a degree or diploma. If this is not the case, the student will receive a certificate of completion for the course, issued by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. Students with outstanding payments due to the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya or who has not approved all the credits necessary to overcome the program before the date of completion of this program will not be eligible to receive any qualification, diploma or certificate.

Barcelona, October 31, 2017
