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Home   >  Master's & postgraduate courses  >  Education  >  Continuing education master's degree in Organization and Engineering of Production and Management of Industrial Plants (Engiplant)
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37th Edition
60 ECTS (400 teaching hours)
Language of instruction
Special conditions on payment of enrolment fee and 0,7% campaign
Registration open until the beginning of the course or until end of vacancies.
Start date
Classes start: 17/10/2025
Classes end: 06/11/2026
Programme ends : 20/11/2026
Friday: 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Taught at
Tech Talent Center
C/ de Badajoz, 73-77
Why this continuing education master's degree?
In a world where globalisation is increasing every day and where businesses need to compete with other countries that can offer lower production costs, working in an efficient and competitive way is very important. To reach this objective, companies must adopt the latest trends that can help them become more highly efficient. The Master's Course in Organisation and Engineering of Industrial Plant Production and Management works with all of the aspects that give financial value to companies and covers organisational aspects of engineering and management of manufacturing processes, production planning and materials and resource needs, industrial plant design and implementing productive systems.

The Engiplant Master's Course is a professional master's course that basically focuses on the practical aspects of management and only dedicates the minimum time necessary to deal with the theoretical aspects. This is the big difference between this type of course and the typical university education format. This program covers aspects such as maintenance, logistics, human resources, industrial strategies and the latest trends so that participants, far from just listening, actively participate by working in teams and study real-life cases that may have even come up students' own companies. As well there will be visits to leading companies in the industrial sectors that are of interest to students. This course offers a comprehensive teaching methodology focused on practical aspects and the most advanced techniques. The professors for this course are made up of professionals with a high level of business experience and the majority of them do not come from the university education world.

This course will end with a final project where students work in small groups, deal with real-life situations and develop improvement and analysis projects.

To make following this course easier, upon the completion of enrolment students will receive a iPad to which they can download the notes and all of the documentation from the Master's programme.

This Master's course is also being given in Pamplona as a postgraduate course. Contact us for more information.

  • To learn the key processes that make up the global view of a company.
  • To learn the special features of industrial production plants and their characteristics and problematic areas.
  • To offer theoretical and practical knowledge of efficient and competitive organization and management of operations in industrial companies, according to the latest trends.
  • To offer theoretical and practical training, according to the latest trends, in the efficient and competitive organization and management of industrial business operations.
  • To offer direct participation of students in: teamwork activities, the use of IT packages, design and decision making simulations, solving practise cases and completing the final project for this programme.
  • To understand how to implement an optimally productive system from efficiency and competitive standpoint so you do not get left behind.
Who is it for?
  • Graduates with officially valid degrees.
  • Graduates holding Bachelor's degrees that are coming from technical areas of study (engineering or similar fields), or from Business Administration or Management.
  • People with qualifying equivalent degrees from foreign universities.

Training Content

List of subjects
2 ECTS 15h
Industrial Companies and the Processes they use. Plant Management.
  • Industrial companies and the processes they use.
  • Industrial strategies.
  • The management team in industrial companies.
  • Key processes for industrial companies and their improvement.
  • Management abilities.
  • Management profiles and participant profiles.
  • Advanced industrial management.
  • World Class Manufacturing.
3 ECTS 35h
Advanced Management of Industrial Processes and Plants. Lean Manufacturing
  • Lean Manufacturing: concepts and application.
  • Lean Manufacturing: an integrated management system.
  • Standardisation.
  • Value Stream Map.
  • Lean Management in the supply chain.
  • Lean Management and supplies: materials, warehouses and planning.
  • Managing purchasing and subcontracting.
  • Strategic purchases.
1 ECTS 10h
Product and Value Engineering
  • Engineering products and value analysis.
  • Engineering processes and concurrent processes.
  • Lean Manufacturing.
  • Industrial operations strategy.
  • Determining factors (capacity, location).
  • Production planning.
  • Production Master Plan.
  • MRP planning.
  • Strategic planning of operations.
  • Managing for objectives.
  • Management by objectives. Hoshin Kanri.
2 ECTS 20h
The Supply Chain: Sourcing and Distribution.
  • Integrated logistics and supply chain management.
  • E-logistics and E-Commerce.
  • Physical distribution and warehouse design.
  • Process externalisation.
  • Outsourcing.
  • Sourcing for industrial businesses.
  • Industrial purchasing and inventory management.
  • Learning through decision making using computerised simulators.
11 ECTS 85h
Optimised Design of industrial Processes and Plants. Lean Manufacturing Design, Plant Engineering. Industrial Maintenance
  • Designing industrial processes and plants with any management model.
  • Designing flexible industrial processes and plants using management models.
  • Lean Design of production lines for specific types of production.
  • Investigating the job (methods) and determining the operations schedule.
  • Designing processes using computerised simulators.
5 ECTS 30h
Human Resources in the Industrial Enterprise. Corporate Social Responsibility. Coaching
8 ECTS 60h
Quality Management. Six Sigma Methodology
  • Maintenance management.
  • TPM and its implementation.
  • Analysis of the six big losses.
  • Independent maintenance.
  • 5S.
  • Preventative, planned and predictive break down maintenance.
  • Computerised management (CMMS).
  • Rapid setup techniques (SMED).
  • Industrial quality management.
  • Quality systems.
  • The EFQM model.
  • Designing quality products and processes: QFD and AMFE.
  • Optimising the cost-quality relationship through experiment design.
  • Quality control.
  • Statistical monitoring of processes.
5 ECTS 35h
Agile Methodologies. Industrial Projects. PMBOK. Rules. Project Teams. Services
  • Project management as a management tool: objectives, justification and setting.
  • Project planning and scheduling.
  • Gantt, PERT and CPM charts.
  • Risk management for projects.
  • The critical chain: creativity, ingenuity and innovation.
  • Innovation strategy, innovation vs. constant improvement.
  • Process reengineering.
  • Other tools.
  • Implementing top quality projects.
  • Tools used by industrial process improvement groups.
  • Problems and solutions.
  • Tangible and intangible problems.
  • Methodologies.
5 ECTS 35h
Improvement of Industrial Processes. Innovation. Industrial Operations. Industry 4.0
  • Maintenance management.
  • TPM and its implementation.
  • Analysis of the six big losses.
  • Independent maintenance.
  • 5S.
  • Preventative, planned and predictive break down maintenance.
  • Computerised management (CMMS).
  • Rapid setup techniques (SMED).
  • Industrial quality management.
  • Quality systems.
  • The EFQM model.
  • Designing quality products and processes: QFD and AMFE.
  • Optimising the cost-quality relationship through experiment design.
  • Quality control.
  • Statistical monitoring of processes.
2 ECTS 20h
Financial Factors n Process and Plant Management. Services for Industrial Companies
  • Costs and methodologies.
  • Direct and Full Costing.
  • ABC methodology.
  • Activity Based Management (ABM) cases.
  • Business strategy and financial and financing management.
  • Balancing accounts and net income.
  • Financial ratios.
  • Financial performance.
  • Financial leverage.
  • Investment analysis.
  • Bank financing tools.
  • Risk management.
  • Management of services and their processes.
  • Key processes.
  • Services in industrial companies.
  • Customer satisfaction.
2 ECTS 20h
Internationalization of Operations and Plants. Global Networks
14 ECTS 35h
Tutor-Monitored Preparation and Process of the Final Project
Creation of a final project related to the practical content from one of the modules or subjects taught in this programme.
The UPC School reserves the right to modify the contents of the programme, which may vary in order to better accommodate the course objectives.
Continuing education master's degree in Organization and Engineering of Production and Management of Industrial Plants (Engiplant), issued by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Issued by virtue of the provisions of art. 7.1 of Organic Law 2/2023 of 22 March, concerning the University System, and art. 36 of Royal Decree 822/2021 of 28 September, which establishes the organisation of university education and the procedure for ensuring its quality. A prior official university qualification is necessary to obtain it. Otherwise, the student will receive a certificate of completion of the programme issued by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. Lifelong learning studies at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya are approved by the University's Governing Council on an annual basis. (See details appearing on the certificate).

Learning methodology

The teaching methodology of the programme facilitates the student's learning and the achievement of the necessary competences.

Learning tools
Participatory lectures
A presentation of the conceptual foundations of the content to be taught, promoting interaction with the students to guide them in their learning of the different contents and the development of the established competences.
Practical classroom sessions
Knowledge is applied to a real or hypothetical environment, where specific aspects are identified and worked on to facilitate understanding, with the support from teaching staff.
Solving exercises
Solutions are worked on by practising routines, applying formulas and algorithms, and procedures are followed for transforming the available information and interpreting the results.
Case studies
Real or hypothetical situations are presented in which the students, in a completely participatory and practical way, examine the situation, consider the various hypotheses and share their own conclusions.
Success stories
Outstanding business knowledge and experiences with high added value acquired during an outstanding professional career are presented and shared.
Flipped classroom
The contents are prepared prior to the face-to-face lessons. Practical sessions take place in the classroom, which enable understanding and application of concepts to real cases and the expansion of knowledge with more technical and specialised details.
Business Game
Game thinking and its mechanics are used to solve certain problems or to make decisions, in order to motivate students in the learning process and to provide some results for analysis.
Students are given technical support in the preparation of the final project, according to their specialisation and the subject matter of the project.
Students are supported when undertaking group work, including theoretical sessions which provide the tools and knowledge needed to achieve a result. Ideas and results are exchanged between all the participating groups.
Assessment criteria
At least 80% attendance of teaching hours is required.
Work out projects
Studies on a specific topic, by individuals or groups, in which the quality and depth of the work is assessed, among other factors.
Completion and presentation of the final project
Individual or group projects in which the contents taught in the programme are applied. The project can be based on real cases and include the identification of a problem, the design of the solution, its implementation or a business plan. The project will be presented and defended in public.
Work placements & employment service
Students can access job offers in their field of specialisation on the My_Tech_Space virtual campus. Applications made from this site will be treated confidentially. Hundreds of offers of the UPC School of Professional & Executive Development employment service appear annually. The offers range from formal contracts to work placement agreements.
Virtual campus
The students on this continuing education master's degree will have access to the My_ Tech_Space virtual campus - an effective platform for work and communication between the course's students, lecturers, directors and coordinators. My_Tech_Space provides the documentation for each training session before it starts, and enables students to work as a team, consult lecturers, check notes, etc.

Teaching team

Academic management
  • Cuatrecasas Arbós, Lluís
    View profile in Linkedin
    Doctor Industrial Engineer and UPC Professor. President of the Lean Management Institute of Spain. Author of various books. Industrial business consultant.
  • Cuatrecasas Castellsagués, Oriol
    View profile in futur.upc / View profile in Linkedin
    BEng in Industrial Engineering. Specialist Consultant in Lean Manufacturing. Member of the Lean Management Institute of Spain.
  • Consolación Segura, Carolina
    View profile in futur.upc
    PhD and Tenured Lecturer of the Business Organisation Department of the UPC. Degree in Economics and Business from the UB.
Teaching staff
  • Asensio García, José

    Technical-Mechanical Engineer UPC, with 30 years working for Nissan Motor Ibérica S.A. in various management positions in Logistics, Production and Nissan Production Way. Has participated in various synchronised production seminars and worked for JIT Kaizen (in Japan and the US). His speciality in the frame of the Engiplant Master's course is the resolution of problems in the Kaizen area. Currently Lean and Supply Chain Project Manager at Itemsa.
  • Blanch Martell, Francesc

    IQS Chemical Engineer Vice-president of Research and Development at Affinity Petcare.
  • Calvo Simón, Albert
    View profile in Linkedin
    Partner and Technical Director of the Consultancy ITEMSA PRODUCTIVIDAD, S.L. , Technical Industrial Engineer, mechanical branch, specialised in machinery construction, trained by the UPC-EUVG. Full member, representing the 'FOMENT DEL TREBALL NACIONAL', Official instructor of the Spanish MTM Association.
  • Castillejo Hernandez, Ricard
    View profile in Linkedin
    Industrial Engineer. Quality Assurance Manager at Boehringer Ingelheim.
  • Consolación Segura, Carolina
    View profile in futur.upc
    PhD and Tenured Lecturer of the Business Organisation Department of the UPC. Degree in Economics and Business from the UB.
  • Cuatrecasas Arbós, Lluís
    View profile in Linkedin
    Doctor Industrial Engineer and UPC Professor. President of the Lean Management Institute of Spain. Author of various books. Industrial business consultant.
  • Cuatrecasas Castellsagués, Oriol
    View profile in futur.upc / View profile in Linkedin
    BEng in Industrial Engineering. Specialist Consultant in Lean Manufacturing. Member of the Lean Management Institute of Spain.
  • de Gabriel i Eroles, Josep Lluis

    Telecommunications engineer. Founder and director of Author of the book Marketing 2.0.
  • Deulofeu Aymar, Joaquim
    View profile in futur.upc / View profile in Linkedin

    Holds a degree and PhD in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona (UB). He is an EFQM international evaluator-advisor, and the founding partner and CEO of Qualitat, Serveis Empresarials, S.L., the company where he has been working as a consultant for more than twenty-five years. Associate professor at the Business Organization Department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), and professor of the UPC School.

  • Gavilan Ferrer, Nestor
    View profile in futur.upc / View profile in Linkedin
    Industrial Engineering Degree from The School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona at the UPC. Founding member of the Lean Management Institute (Lean Global Network). He works as a lean management teacher and consultant in the application of Lean methodology to business, applications in Industry, but also in services, tourism, hospital management and in the development of new products and processes. He was the Lean and Industrial Engineering Manager at Delphi Diesel Systems and Global Lean Director at Coty-Azor.
  • Genescà Palau, Enric

    BEng in Industrial Engineering. Consultant-adviser in project management, with extensive experience in the automobile sector.
  • Herranz Sotoca, Antonio
    View profile in Linkedin
    Partner at Ydros, a consultancy specialised in Strategic Management and Organisational Remuneration-based Development. Graduated in Social Psychology from the UB, with a Master's degree in Organisational and Process Consulting from the Fundació les Heures - UB. Associate Professor at the Fundació Politécnica de Catalunya and other Business Schools, with ample experience in both in the public and private sectors. Specialised in strategic HR management, remuneration systems and Executive Coaching.
  • Moya Valladares, Aránzazu

    Industrial Engineer. Plant manager at Magna-Donelli.
  • Pons Peregort, Olga

    Industrial Psychologist. Lecturer for the Business Organisation Department of the UPC. HR Consultant.
  • Romero Cuadros, Maria Antònia

    Psychologists, Master's in Coaching. Coach and consultant at Argos Coaching, S.L. Contributor to the Business Organisation Department of the UPC.
  • Santiago López, Ana
    View profile in Linkedin
    Psychologist with a Master's in Coaching. Coaching consultant at Argos Coaching, S.L., Head of Policies and Programmes in the Human Resources Department of Intermón Oxfam.
  • Sardà Ferrer, Joan

    Economist. Lecturer in the Business Organisation Department of the UPC. Member of the Committee Advisor of the Catalan Institute of Oncology . Member of the Committee of Rule and Ethic Professional of the School of Economists of Catalonia.
  • Soler Carbonell, Josep Maria
    View profile in Linkedin
    Degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universidad de Gerona. Master's degree in Science-Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Irvine. Program Manager Personal Care EMEA-VELCRO.
  • Torrell Martínez, Francesca
    View profile in futur.upc
    Higher Telecommunications Engineer from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Master in Organization and Engineering of Production and Management of Industrial Plants (Engiplant) from the UPC School. Maintenance Management Consultant. Member of the Lean Management Institute of Spain.

Associates entities

Strategic partners
  • Instituto Lean Management
    • Provides teachers and lecturers.

Career opportunities

  • Process Engineering Manager.
  • Implementation Manager of Lean Manufacturing.
  • Chief of industrial companies.



I have been managing factories for ten years and the crisis had started to affect my company. I wanted to find a formula to save it and make it work and I thought that the Masters in Enigplant would help me with that. If I didn't manage that, at least I would also have tools for looking for other career opportunities. This course has changed the way I used to approach problems and it has made me more confident when it comes to making key decisions for the company. Things did not turn out as I had hoped in my job, but in a short space of time I found another job thanks to having completed the Masters in Enigplant, as it make me feel more secure when sitting interviews. Nowadays I think my profile is above other production or factory managers. The Lean Manofacturating module has been an extremely important part of this course. Books give you a lot of information, but it is much more gratifying to have people like Lluís Cuatrecasas or Enric Barba tell you about their experiences.

Carlos González, Operations Manager, Mexifoods S.L.

I have been managing factories for ten years and the crisis had started to affect my company. I wanted to find a formula to save it and make it work and I thought that the Masters in Enigplant would help me with that. If I didn't manage that, at least I would also have tools for looking for other career opportunities. This course has changed the way I used to approach problems and it has made me more confident when it comes to making key decisions for the company. Things did not turn out as I had hoped in my job, but in a short space of time I found another job thanks to having completed the Masters in Enigplant, as it make me feel more secure when sitting interviews. Nowadays I think my profile is above other production or factory managers. The Lean Manofacturating module has been an extremely important part of this course. Books give you a lot of information, but it is much more gratifying to have people like Lluís Cuatrecasas or Enric Barba tell you about their experiences.

Carlos González, Operations Manager, Mexifoods S.L.

I have been managing factories for ten years and the crisis had started to affect my company. I wanted to find a formula to save it and make it work and I thought that the Masters in Enigplant would help me with that. If I didn't manage that, at least I would also have tools for looking for other career opportunities. This course has changed the way I used to approach problems and it has made me more confident when it comes to making key decisions for the company. Things did not turn out as I had hoped in my job, but in a short space of time I found another job thanks to having completed the Masters in Enigplant, as it make me feel more secure when sitting interviews. Nowadays I think my profile is above other production or factory managers. The Lean Manofacturating module has been an extremely important part of this course. Books give you a lot of information, but it is much more gratifying to have people like Lluís Cuatrecasas or Enric Barba tell you about their experiences.

Carlos González, Operations Manager, Mexifoods S.L.

Request information or admission

Information and guidance:
Isabel de la Fuente Larriba
(34) 93 115 57 51
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Course: Organization and Engineering of Production and Management of Industrial Plants (Engiplant)

Fee: €10,400

Submit and make the payment
  • If you have any doubts about the continuing education master's degree.
  • If you want to start the registration procedure.
How to start admission
To start the enrolment process for this programme you must complete and send the form that you will find at the bottom of these lines.

Next you will receive a welcome email detailing the three steps necessary to formalize the enrolment procedure:

1. Complete and confirm your personal details.

2. Validate your curriculum vitae and attach any additional required documentation, whenever this is necessary for admission.

In addition to your CV, the UPC School will also require you to submit the following documents for preregistration on this Continuing education master's degree:
    • A letter of motivation

3. Pay €110 in concept of the registration fee for the programme. This fee will be discounted from the total enrolment fee and will only be returned when a student isn't admitted on a programme.

Once the fee has been paid and we have all your documentation, we will assess your candidacy and, if you are admitted on the course, we will send you a letter of acceptance. This document will provide you with all the necessary information to formalize the enrolment process for the programme.

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The Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya reserves the right to modify content, price, location, timetable and dates prior to the start of the course. Registration on the course will not be confirmed until payment has been made.

Registration rights. The interested party must make payment of the specified registration fee for the course. This fee will be deducted from the full course fee and will only be reimbursed if the applicant is not admitted.

Cancellation or deferment.The Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya reserves the right to cancel or defer a course if the minimum number of students is not met. In case of cancellation or non-admittance, the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya will return all amounts paid in full, without any additional compensation. In case of deferment, applicants may request reimbursement of fees paid.

Cancellation of registration.
In the event of withdrawal or cancellation of the registration, the student must notify the UPC School in writing beforehand.
  • If this request for cancellation is made 45 days before the start of the programme, the UPC School will retain only 30% of the total registration fee and refund the difference paid.
  • In the event that the application request is made within 45 calendar days and the beginning of the programme, the UPC School will retain 60% of the registration fee.
  • No applications for refunds may be made after the programme has started.
Under exceptional circumstances, refunds of the registration fee will be made if the student's cancellation is due to one of the following circumstances:
  • Denial of a visa, subject to submission of supporting documentation. In this case, the UPC School will refund the registration fee less 300 Euros for administrative expenses.
  • Serious illness or accident accredited by an official medical certificate, stating the start date of the illness and the anticipated convalescence period. In this situation the UPC School's decision will be as follows:
    • If the notification takes place up to one month after the start of the programme, it will refund the amount actually paid, less 300 Euros as administrative expenses.
    • No refunds will be made after a month after the start of the programme. It will be only be possible to use the amount paid as a deposit for the registration fee of the next programme. This procedure entails no administrative fee for the student. The price difference between the new registration fee and the amount previously paid will be payable by the student under all circumstances.

Changes in registration. Any changes in registration, previously authorised by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya, will incur a 300 € administration fee.

  • Discounts are non-accumulable. The greater discount of those requested will be applied.
  • Discounts can only be applied under prior application and approval.
  • Once registration has been confirmed, no discount will be applied.
  • Students are responsible for placing applications for any discounts.

Qualification. In order to obtain the Qualification/Diploma issued by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the student must be in possession of a recognised university qualification or internal university qualification equivalent to a degree or diploma. If this is not the case, the student will receive a certificate of completion for the course, issued by the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. Students with outstanding payments due to the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya or who has not approved all the credits necessary to overcome the program before the date of completion of this program will not be eligible to receive any qualification, diploma or certificate.

Barcelona, October 31, 2017
