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Tech Talent Center
C/ Badajoz 73-77
08005 Barcelona
Tel.: (34) 93 112 08 08
Information and guidance on
education programs

(34) 93 112 08 05
Academic Services &
Employment Service

(34) 93 112 08 07
Corporate Solutions
(34) 666 842 627


L4 Llacuna metro station
L1 Glories metro station

6, 136, 192,B25, B20, H14, V23 i V25

Lines T4 i T5

Bicing (public bike rental)
C/ Pujades, 121
C/ Ramon Turró, 91

Car parks
C/ Pujades, 77-79 (24 h)
C/ Àvila, 48-50 ( 7:30 am to 7:30 pm)